Open Performative Trainings // From September 2023
Good news! The open performative trainings are ready to start with some nice people, inputs and topics! As more creatures are joining, as more fun (and cheap) it will be!
The open trainings are conceived as an space to exchange and exercice around different performative disciplines. On each session a facilitator is leading us through a particular performative exploration. Participants are welcome to bring inputs and share their experiences.
September 2023:
• 4.9 // 8-10pm: Masks Training with Claire
• 6.9 // 8-10pm: Introduction to Puppetry with Bridget
• 11.09// 8-10pm: Vocal workshop with Joy
• 13.09 // 8-10pm: Clown improv with Bridget
• 18.09 // 8-10pm: Introduction to Drag arts with Ranael
• 20.09 // 8-10pm: Straight movements with Lola
• 25.09 //8-10pm: Character & mini-scenes development with Dani
For all levels // Artistania Atelier, Neckarstr. 19, 12053 B.
5-15 Euro // Session //
Conscious participation to the costs
Register: info@artistania.org