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Theatre of Details. 

Claire Chaulet and Saba Tsereteli founded the company Theatre of Details in 2012 as one of the first project of the association Artistania e.V. Since then the Theatre of Details works together with artists from different disciplines and tries to dissolve borders between fine arts and performing arts. The ambition of the Theatre of Details is to create unconventional and participatory artistic practices, to invite the audience to go on a surreal and imaginative journey and to reclaim poetry and community experiences in the public space.


First known for its use of puppets, masks, and object theater, the artistic methods of the Theatre of Details became more and more eclectic and multifaceted. Nowadays the Theatre of Details use a wide range of techniques including lantern-making, story-telling, land art, stop motion…


Nevertheless, the same philosophy remains: The different artworks of Theatre of Details aim to transform hostile environments into inspiring and social spaces. Giant Marionnettes, Sculptures in Context, Creative Workshops, collective creations… all these approaches follow the same logic: to use art as an international language to create bounds between people and engage in civil society.




Die Be-Suchenden (2021)


Sky-Call (2021)

The Giants of Neukölln (2017)

Das verstecke Schultier (2017)

Metamorpheus (2015-2016)

Out of Dystopia (2013)

Das Versprechen (2012)


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